Complaints Policy
We are committed to providing high quality and proactive services to our clients. Feedback, both positive and negative, is welcomed as an opportunity to improve.
All complaints are forwarded to the Directors and Senior Compliance Partner who ensures that they are investigated thoroughly, within specified deadlines, and that swift and effective actions is taken wherever appropriate to address issues raised. We aim to resolve complaints within four weeks of receipt.
Our Board of Directors consider, monthly, details of complaints which have been received, action taken as a result and speed of response.
All complaints should be addressed to the Compliance Partner who can be contacted by post at NorthFunding Limited, Bartle House, 9 Oxford Court, Manchester, M23WQ, by telephone on 0161 362 0104, or by email at
Complaints will be acknowledged by the Managing Director or Compliance Partner within three working days of their receipt.
The Compliance Partner will oversee the complaint investigation with the relevant Director or Manager to investigate the issues raised and advise of any action which needs to be taken.
The Compliance Partner will advise the complainant of the outcome of their complaint within four weeks of its receipt.
If the complainant does not believe that their complaint has been dealt with satisfactorily, then they can take up the matter with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants or (where the complaint relates to Audit Services provided) the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
All complaints will be recorded in the Complaints Log and the Board of Directors will consider, monthly, the number and type of complaints received, resultant action and speed of response